Time Chemical Class
Teacher : Good morning
Students : Morning Mrs.
Teacher : How are you today, are you ready to study chemistry?
Students : Yes, we are ready Mrs.
Teacher : Well today we will discuss the topic of radioactive
elements. Does anyone know what a radioactive element is?
Windra : The radioactive element is an element or substance
whose nucleus is unstable.
Teacher : Yes that's true Windra, is there anything you want to
Intan : The radioactive element is an element that spontaneously
emits radiation, Mrs.
Teacher : Okay, Windra and Intan answer is good enough. So, the
radioactive element is an element whose atomic nucleus is unstable and
spontaneously emits radiation. The radioactive elements are diverse, there are
gamma rays, beta rays and alpha rays.
Intan : Mrs, what is gamma rays, alpha and beta?
Teacher : Can anyone answer the question from Intan?
Windra : I know Mrs what is alpha rays. Alpha rays are
radioactive rays that have charged particles of +2 and their atomic mass is 4.
Teacher : Very good, Windra.
Here Mrs will explain it. Alpha rays are radioactive rays that have charged
particles of +2 and their atomic mass is 4. whereas the beta beam is a beam of
light consisting of negatively charged particles that are identical to
electrons, and gamma rays are uncharged electromagnetic radiation emitted by
the nucleus Which are in energetic condition.
Windra : Then is there a function of each of these rays Mrs?
Teacher: Yes, of course there is Windra, for Sinar Alfa,
particles of alpha rays are very easy to stop, usually it is used to detect the
presence of smoke. Closed sources of alpha-ray particles from the americium
will send alpha particles into the air. When there is smoke, the particles will
be blocked and signal to the transmitter alarm. Sinar Beta Sinar beta is widely
used to control the production lines of paper, plastic or steel sheeting. The
gamma rays used are emitted with the flow of water in the pipe to find out any
leakage of the pipe. Gamma rays of a certain intensity can also be used as
radiotherapy to kill cancer cells.
Intan : So the radioactive rays are of much use in certain areas
of the ya ya Mrs? I want to ask Mrs, is there any negative impact of using
radioactive rays?
Teacher : of course there is a negative impact of Intan,
Radiation of radioactive substances can shorten the human life. This is because
the radioactive substances can cause damage to body tissues and reduce body
immunity. Radiation of radioactive substances against the genital glands can
lead to infertility and genetic mutations in offspring. Radiation of
radioactive substances can lead to the occurrence of white blood cell division,
resulting in leukemia disease. Radiation of radioactive substances can cause
localized somatic damage with signs of skin damage, damage to blood-forming
cells, and damage to the nervous system. Environmental pollution caused by
radioactive dust due to the explosion of atomic reactors and atomic bombs, such
as 90 Sr causes bone cancer. Effects and Effects caused by radiation of
radioactive substances in humans are usually Dizziness, decreased appetite or
loss, Diarrhea, heat or fever, Weight loss, Blood cancer or leukemia, Increased
heart rate or pulse. Well that was something about radioactive rays, can anyone
deduce our learning today?
Windra : I Mrs, The use of radioisotopes is very helpful to
humans in various areas of life as mentioned earlier, but the negative impact
of its use is also a lot of Mrs, one of them can cause health problems in
humans are dizziness, weight loss, fever, and still much more.
Intan : Radioactive rays there are three types of Mrs, alpha,
beta and gamma rays. For alpha rays are radioactive rays that have charged
particles of +2 and their atomic mass is 4. Whereas the beta beam is a beam of
light consisting of negatively charged particles identical to electrons, and
gamma rays are the uncharged electromagnetic radiation emitted by Nuclei that
are in energetic conditions.
Teacher : Okay, the conclusion is pretty good, since our time is
up, we continue next week, for further material please you learn at home. See you
next week.
is there any other example use of radioctive for health?
HapusOkay fania, i will try to answer it, other usefulness of radioactive in health area such as:
Detect circulatory disorders, measure the rate of red blood cell formation,
Know metabolism in general, detect damage to the thyroid gland, detect eye disease, liver, and the presence of tumors.
I want to ask diamond, what is the use of radioactive as tracer ?. Thank you
BalasHapusOkay santa, i will try to answer it, other usage of radioactive in tracer field such as:
Hapus24Na, detects circulatory disruption.
59Fe, measuring the rate of red blood cell formation.
11C, knowing metabolism in general.
131I, detects damage to the thyroid gland.
32P, detecting eye disease, liver, and presence of tumors.
What is different between three types of radioactive
BalasHapusThe difference from each of the radioactive rays is:
HapusSinar Alfa
The nucleus of helium atoms
In a magnetic field it turns into a negative pole, so the alpha rays are positively charged
Small penetrating power
Can ionize the objects it passes.
Sinar Beta
The emission of electrons with speed near the speed of light
In a magnetic field it turns into a positive pole, so the beta ray is negatively charged
Translucency greater than alpha rays
Can ionize the objects it passes is not as good as alpha rays
Sinar Gama
Electromagnetic waves with short wavelengths
Not affected by magnetic or electric fields
The power is very large, therefore gamma rays are dangerous
Can ionize the objects it passes not as good as alpha and beta
thanks Indri
Hi Mrs Intan, who are the inventors of the radioactive rays you describe?
BalasHapusRadiation essence α
HapusSlightly more difficult to deflect a radiation path than electrons, but Rutherford (then at McGill University) successfully conducted this experiment (1903), and this meant paving the way to obtain the ratio value between mass and radiation α.
Radiation essence β
Becquerel states that some of the radiation emitted by uranium (by Rutherford called radiation b) is deflected by a magnetic field and its direction is equal to cathode rays (1899). Rutherford and F. Gissel who worked separately also found the same thing. Becquerel uses the same way that Thomson measures the ratio of mass to radiation charge β.
Radiation essence γ
Radiation g has great penetrating power and is not deflected by a magnetic field. This radiation was observed by Paul Ulrich Villard of France in 1900. Rutherford called this radiation a radiation γ (1903).
hi intan,,
BalasHapuswhat is The radioactive element is an element that spontaneously emits radiation,?
Radioactive is a spontaneous change or conversion of a stable nucleus nucleus to another nucleus where there is ionizing radiation. Each time the number of protons in the core, there will be an element of change. These radioactive rays are shaped like light waves, radio waves, infrared rays (heat), microwaves and X rays. Among the existing ionizing rays are Alfa particles, beta particles, Gamma rays, X-rays and Neutrons.